Seoul International Computer Music Festival 2020

Oct. 28 - 31, 2020 @ Jayu Theater, Seoul Arts Center

Seoul International Computer Music Festival(SICMF) is a sonic-art performance embracing musical instruments, electronics, audiovisuals, multimedia, etc. as well as a special event showing new approaches and possibilities to combine music with technology finely, opening every autumn in Seoul. From starting in 1994 as the first computer music festival in Asia to its 27th festival this year, SICMF played over a thousand of high-end works and has grown as the major stage leading the global computer music trend.
A number of works from all over the world are applied every year and carefully selected for the festival. This year's concerts will perform 21 foreign works and 15 Korean works. Particularly, a pioneer in the field of Computer Music and the co-founder of Audacity, Roger Dannenberg, as the keynote speaker, and the Music Technology team at Carnegie Mellon University are invited for our valuable opportunities of international exchange. We hope that SICMF2020 can strengthen the place of Korea as a field of computer music and can contribute to the advancement and the further progress of computer music in the world.

서울국제컴퓨터음악제는 악기, 전자음향, 영상, 뉴미디어 등의 여러 매체가 어우러지는 소리예술 공연이자, 음악과 테크놀러지가 조화롭게 결합하는 새로운 방식과 가능성을 보여주는 차별화된 공연으로, 매 해 가을에 개최됩니다. 아시아 최초의 컴퓨터음악제로서 1994년 시작되어 올해 27주년을 맞이하기까지 국내외 활발하게 활동하는 예술가들의 수준높은 작품 발표와 함께 전세계 컴퓨터음악의 흐름을 주도하는 음악제로 성장하며 해외의 많은 음악가들이 참여하고 싶은 무대가 되었습니다.
해마다 세계 각국을 대상으로 공모하여 엄선된 작품들이 선보여지는데 올해에는 21개의 외국작품과 15개의 한국작품이 연주됩니다. 특별히, 기조연설자로 컴퓨터음악 분야의 선구자이자 Audacity의 공동 창시자인 로저 다넨베르그 교수와 함께 카네기멜로 대학의 뮤직 테크놀로지 팀을 초청하여 국제교류의 기회를 마련함으로써 한국 컴퓨터음악의 국제적 위상을 드높이고 세계 컴퓨터음악의 발전과 활성화를 기원하며 이 음악제를 개최합니다.


Oct. 28 (Wed.)

7:30 PM Concert #1

Oct. 29 (Thu.)

7:30 PM Concert #2

Oct. 30 (Fri.)

10:20 AM Conference #1
1:50 PM Conference #2
7:30 PM Concert #3

Oct. 31 (Sat.)

10:30 AM Workshop #1
1:40 PM Conference #3
7:30 PM Concert #4

* This schedule may be subject to be changed.


You can download the SICMF program book here.
You can download the conference proceedings here.

SICMF의 프로그램북은 여기서 다운로드 하실 수 있습니다.
컨퍼런스의 자료집은 여기서 다운로드 하실 수 있습니다.

Live Streaming

Concert Programs

@ Jayu Theater, Seoul Arts Center (예술의전당 오페라하우스 자유소극장)

Concert 1

Wed. Oct. 28 / 7:30 PM

• 이준호 (Junho Lee) : “거울(mirror)” for 4-ch tape
• 김수진 (Sujin Kim) : “Circluar Point line and plane” for 4-ch live-audiovisual
• 이본 (Bon Lee) : “화(wha)” for 2-ch tape
• 이지선 (Jiseon Lee) : “가면극놀이(Persona)” for soprano and 2-ch tape
• 임다은 (Daun Lim) : “Pinball” for 2-ch tape
• 공재이 (Jae Kong) : “existential circus” for 2-ch audiovisual
• 정경희 (Kyunghee Jung) : “입자단위의 생각(Thought of Particle Unit)” for 2-ch tape
• 김숙영 (Sookyoung Kim) : “Revolution and Rotation” for laptop and 2-ch live-electronics

Concert 2

Thu. Oct. 29 / 7:30 PM

• Monte Taylor : “Sigil II: Amistad” for alto saxophone and 8-ch live-electronics
• Nicola Fumo Frattegiani : “Banlieue cuivrée” for 2.1-ch tape
• Agustín Spinetto : “A short period of time and sound” for 6-ch audiovisual
• Minjie Lu : “Do not Go Gentle into that Good Night” for 2-ch tape
• Nicholas Shaheed : “Wire Spill” for for kalimba and 2-ch live-electronics
• 박재영 (Elsa Jaeyong Park) : “Encroaching” for 2-ch tape
• 박순영 (Soonyoung Park) : “EGo(孤-鼓)!” for clarinet and 2-ch live-eletronics
• Naoto Iwaki : “the wave” for 2-ch tape
• Sean Hallowell : “Uneven Turns” for 8-ch audiovisual
• Paul Oehlers : “Flux Hammer” for 2-ch tape
• 김태희 (Taehi Kim) : “Breath” for clarinet and 8-ch live-electronics”

Concert 3

Fri. Oct. 30 / 7:30 PM

• Liona Kuo : “Untitled: Sigh” for flute and 2-ch live-electronics
• Shu Huang Chen : “Sonic Youth” for 2-ch tape
• Clovis McEvoy : “Pillars of Introspection” for 4-ch audiovisual
• 신성아 (Sungah Shin) : “Looping Movements v. 4” for 2-ch audiovisual
• Douglas Hedwig : “TransSonic Awakenings in D” for 2-ch tape
• Michele Cheng : “Doyennes’ Diaries” for 2-ch live electronics
• Marko Ciciliani : “Gunned Down(with spoiler)” for 8-ch audiovisual
• Jorge García del Valle Méndez : “Ten Steps (십리)” for piano and 2-ch live-electronics
• 김지현 (Jihyun Kim) : “Differences” for flute, piano and 4-ch tape

Concert 4

Sat. Oct. 31 / 7:30 PM

• 강중훈 (Joonghoon Kang) : “A Summer Day” for piano and 2-ch live-electronics
• Hiromu Takano : “Another Room” for 8-ch tape
• 양민석 (Minsuk Yang) : “Eccentric Vive” for piano and 2-ch live-electronics
• Clemens von Reusner : “KRIT” for 8-ch tape
• Joao Pedro Oliveira : “Dark Energy” for contra bass, cello and live-electronics
• Tom Williams : “Pakefield - on the Edge” for 8-ch tape
• Freida Abton : “My Heart is a River” for 2-ch audio visual
• Roger Donnenberg : “Critical point for cello and computer” for cello and live-electronics

Conference & Workshop

@ Conference Room (F8), Cosmos Music Corporation (코스모스악기 8층 컨퍼런스룸)

For complete information, please donwload this PDF.
자세한 정보는 다음 PDF 파일을 다운로드 하세요.

Conference #1

Fri. Oct. 30 / 10:20 AM ~ 12:40 PM

• Kevin Parks (박케빈), Conference Chair : “Opening Greetings (학회의장의 개회인사)”
• Roger Dannenberg (로저 다넨베르그), Carnegie Mellon University : “Keynote Speech : Some Histories and Futures of Making Music with Computers (기조 연설 : 퓨터로 음악만들기의 어떤 역사와 미래)”
• Michael Lukaszuk (마이클 루카스주크), University of Cincinnati : “Luka-chucK: a chucK-based Glitch Audio Composition Environment (루카-추크: 추크를 기반으로 한 글리치 오디오 작곡 환경)”
• Ian Evans Guthrie (이안 에반스 거트리), Florida State University : “Understanding Organized Sound and Abstract Musical Narratives (조직화된 사운드와 추상적인 음악 서술의 이해)”

Conference #2

Fri. Oct. 30 / 1:50 PM ~ 3:30 PM

• Hayden Patrick McGowan (헤이든 패트릭 맥고완), University of Ottawa : “Teleology and Unity in Barry Truax’s Riverrun (배리 트룩스의 “리버런"에 나타난 목적론과 통합성)”
• Kittiphan Janbuala (키티판 얀부알라), Seoul National University : “Listen to Emojis through Sonification (음향데이터화를 통해 이모티콘을 듣다)”
• Marko Ciciliani (마르코 시실리아니), Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics : “Audiovisual Performances with interactive virtual 3D Environments (상호작용하는 3차원 가상 환경에서 시청각적 연주)”


Sat. Oct. 31 / 10:30 AM ~ 12:30 PM

• Jorge Sastre et al. (호르헤 사스트레 외), Universitat Politècnica de València
(Video: Stefano Scaran, Audio: Pedro Astasio)
“Collaborative Creation with Soundcool for Socially Distanced Education (사회적 거리두기 교육을 위한 프로그램 Soundcool로 합동 창작하기)”
* Be prepared with, if any, a Laptop or Smartphone, Soundcool installed. (준비물 (가능하면): 노트북이나 스마트폰, Soundcool 설치)

Conference #3

Sat. Oct. 31 / 1:40 PM ~ 3:55 PM

• Nico Schüler (니코 쉴러), Texas State University : “Otto Laske and the Visualization of Electro-Acoustic Music (오토 라스케와 전자음향 음악의 시각화)”
• Marc Evanstein (마크 에반스타인), University of California, Santa Barbara : “Musical Motion at Different Scales: Creative Analysis and Resynthesis of Musical Contour Spectra (다른 규모에서의 음악적 모션 : 음악적 윤곽선 스펙트럼의 창조적인 분석과 재합성)”
• Septian Dwi Cahyo (셉티안 드위 카효), Indonesian Institute of the Arts Yogyakarta : “Multimedia Analysis in Donny Karsadi‘s Multimedia Piece I Hate My Stupid Brain (도니 카르사디의 멀티미디어작 “내 어리석은 두뇌가 싫다”의 다중매체적 분석)”
• Barbara Lüneburg (바르바라 뤼네부르크), Anton Bruckner Private University Linz : “Between Art and Game: Gamified Audiovisual Performance Practice in GAPPP (예술과 게임 사이: GAPPP에서 시청각적 연주 게임 실행하기)”


Jayu Theater in Seoul Arts Center

All the concerts will take place in Jayu Theater, which is one of three theaters in Opera House, Seoul Arts Center.

Transportation info
Google map

예술의전당 자유소극장

모든 콘서트는 예술의전당 자유소극장에서 열립니다. 자유소극장은 자유소극장 내 오페라하우스에 있는 세 개 극장 중 하나입니다.

교통 및 주차 정보
네이버 지도

Cosmos Corporation Building

Google map

코스모스악기 빌딩

네이버 지도

온라인 중계

페이스북 중계


Please email us if you want to buy tickets.

인터파크 티켓 (1544-1555)

Organized by

Korea Electro-Acoustic Music Society(KEAMS)

Supported by

Art Council Korea, VG Plastic Surgery, Cosmos Music Corporation

Cooperated by

Center for Arts and Technologies at Seoul National University, Computer Music Labs at Korea National University of Arts, Chugye University for the Arts, Center for Research of Electroacoustic Music and New Music at Hanyang University

Call for works

The 'call for works' page can be found here. This was for this year's festival, and the call for works for next year may be different.




한다우리 예술기획


한국문화예술위원회, 베리굿성형외과, 코스모스악기


서울대학교 예술과학센터, 한국예술종합학교 컴퓨터음악연구소, 추계예술대학교, 한양대학교 전자음악연구소

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