Seoul International Computer Music Festival 2017

in Asia Culture Center, Gwangju

Oct. 23 - Oct. 28, 2017

The Seoul International Computer Music Festival(SICMF) is one of the biggest electro-acoustic music festivals in Asia, and also internationally well-known. Many kinds of ongoing research activities including electro-acoustic music, new electronic instruments and multimedia-based works have been presented annually since 1994. We have invited special composers or performers for the festival such as, Meta Duo, GRAME, INA-GRM, CCRMA, Ensemble Aventure, DEGEM.

This year we collaborate with Asia Culture Center (ACC), an international arts and cultural exchange organization located in Gwangju, Korea. It will be a 6 day festival in an awesome place in Gwangju and offer a unique event for you. This will be the greatest SICMF ever.

서울국제컴퓨터음악제(SICMF)는 1994년 이래 매해 성장을 거듭하며 국내 뿐 아니라 아시아를 대표하는 음악제로 자리잡았다. 악기, 컴퓨터음악, 영상, 무용 등의 매체가 어우러지는 전위적인 공연으로 음악과 테크놀러지가 어떻게 조우하고 결합되는지를 보여준다는 점에서 해마다 차별화된 공연을 선보이고 있다. 그동안 Meta Duo, GRAME, INA-GRAM, CCRMA, 앙상블 아방뛰르, 독일전자음악협회(DEGEM) 등 해외 유수의 앙상블, 연구소 및 연구단체와 교류하며 공연을 지속해오고 있다.

올해는 국립 아시아문화전당(ACC)과 협력합니다. 광주에서 6일 동안 열리는 이번 서울국제컴퓨터음악제는 그 어느 때보다 독특한 축제가 될 것입니다.


Oct. 23 (Mon.)

7:30 PM Concert #1

Oct. 24 (Tue.)

9:00 AM Conference #1 (Keynote)
1:00 PM Conference #2 (Paper Session)
7:30 PM Concert #2
10:00 PM Concert #3

Oct. 25 (Wed.)

9:00 AM Conference #3 (Paper Session)
1:20 PM Conference #4 (Paper Session)
7:30 PM Concert #4
10:00 PM Concert #5

Oct. 26 (Thu.)

9:00 AM Workshop
4:00 PM Concert #6
7:30 PM Concert #7

Oct. 27 (Fri.)

4:00 PM Concert #8
7:30 PM Concert #9

Oct. 28 (Sat.)

2:00 PM Concert #10

* This schedule may be subject to be changed.

Concert Programs

Concert 1

Mon. Oct. 23 / 7:30 PM @ Theater 2, ACC Theater(B4)

• Alain Bonardi : “Fil de soi”
• Parsa MohammadiNejadShomali : “Phobia”
• 오예민(Yemin Oh) : “Space in Hands”
• Christopher LaRosa : “Colonizer 1”
• chdh : “Morphist”
• 박규원(Kyu-won Park) : “물에 비친 달”
• Deovides Reyes III : “The Dockyard”
• 전현석(Hyunsuk Jun) : “The Typewriter”

Concert 2

Tue. Oct. 24 / 7:30 PM @ Theater 2, ACC Theater(B4)

• Bret Battey : “Estuaries 1”
• 정종열(Jong Yeoul, Chong) : “Dialogue 1”
• Adam Stanović : “Ctrl c”
• Brian Questa : “Construction Lines; or, Duo Guitar Sonata No. 1”
• Aldo Lombera : “LUCID”
• 남상봉(Sangbong Nam) : “Shift No.3_beyond conflict”
• 장대훈(Daehoon Jang) : “Lucid Dreams”
• Man Jie : “Another Door II”

Concert 3

Tue. Oct. 24 / 10:00 PM @ Lobby, ACC Archive and Research(B2)

• Philippe Manoury : “Pluton”

Concert 4

Wed. Oct. 25 / 7:30 PM @ Atelier 1, ACC Theater(B4)

• Felipe Tovar-Henao : “«¡Carnaval del Diablo!» - matachinesque ritual”
• Francesco Fabris : “Spheronization”
• Rita Yung : “Life is but a dream”
• Christopher Dobrian : “Point of No Arrival”
• 안두진(Doo-jin Ahn) : “Dialogue”
• Paolo Pastorino : “Matérica - 4'32"”
• 김한신(Hanshin Kim) : “In todesbanden”
• João Pedro Oliveira : “Magma”

Concert 5

Wed. Oct. 25 / 10:00 PM @ Lobby, ACC Archive and Research(B2)

• Marko Ciciliani : “Atomic Etudes”
• noid and Klaus Filip : “Sonic Luz”
• 박주원(Joo Won Park) : “Touch”
• Eric Honour : “Handcrafted Ale”

Concert 6

Thu. Oct. 26 / 4:00 PM @ Atelier 1, ACC Theater(B4)

• 신성아(Seongah Shin) : “The Thin Black Line: The Finale”
• 김지현(Jihyun Kim) : “am”
• 이정혜(Junghae Lee) : “윤무 X”
• 이원(Won Lee) : “Crossing”
• 유태선(Taesun Yoo) : “tremor”
• 송향숙(Hyang-sook Song) : “멈추어야 하는 호흡 감아야 하는 눈 (Breath to be stopped Eyes to be closed)”
• Christopher Luna-Mega : “La torre de Chitor”

Concert 7

Thu. Oct. 26 / 7:30 PM @ Theater 2, ACC Theater(B4)

• 김태희(Taehi Kim) : “The Creation”
• Nicolas Rodriguez : “El viento será eterno”
• Carlos Guedes : “1985.2”
• Jorge García del Valle Méndez : “Visions of the Void II”
• Diego Capoccitti : “Recondito”
• Marc Evans : “Barlicity”
• Damian Gorandi : “Albures chistes y entresueños”
• Carlos Hernández : “Moirai”

Concert 8

Fri. Oct. 27 / 4:00 PM @ Atelier 1, ACC Theater(B4)

• 이가현(Gahyun Lee) : “Focus blur”
• 신원섭(Won Soeb Shin) : “Nano-square”
• 조영재(Youngjae Cho) : “Epinephrine”
• 윤소진(Sojin Yoon) : “Tic”
• 정의균(Ui Gyun Jung) : “Reverberation II”
• 이현민(Hyun-Min Lee) : “MACRO KAIROS”
• 박순영(Soon-young Park) : “시간, 기억 그리고 착각”
• 조예본(Yea Bon Jo) : “Carry”

Concert 9

Fri. Oct. 27 / 7:30 PM @ Theater 2, ACC Theater(B4)

• Francesco Bossi : “Modus”
• 현종찬(Jongchan Hyun) : “Imaginary Space”
• Annie Hui-Hsin Hsieh : “The Warmth of the Nebula”
• 임승혁(Seunghyuk Lim) : “테[te]”
• Lukas Tobiassen : “Zerstiebt”
• Gabriele Paolozzi : “Stupor Naturae Sonus”
• 이은화(Eunwha Lee) : “The Light”
• Daniel Osorio : “Moccé-IV”

Concert 10 : Electroacoustic Music from Sweden

Sat. Oct. 28 / 2:00 PM @ Theater 2, ACC Theater(B4)

• Roberta Settles : “Landscape with three tape recorders and...”
• Mats Erlandsson : “Simulacra”
• Hanna Hartman : “Att fälla grova träd är förenat med risker”
• Daniel M Karlsson : “Time dilation in quantum systems and decoherence”
• Maria Horn : “CD-R/Cyanine”
• Savannah Agger : “Brücken/Inseln II”
• Savannah Agger : “Undercurrents”
• Savannah Agger : “Landschaften I”
• Tommy Zwedberg : “Exoj (version 2, 2016)”
• Jenny Hettne : “While the heart’s heartbeat beats its old song”
• Lise-Lotte Norelius : “Nightman”
• Lars-Gunnar Bodin : “Jörgen - Five Episodes for Saxophone and Pre-recorded Sounds”

* Saxophone : Jörgen Pettersson

Conference & Workshops

Conference #1 - Keynote & Paper Session

Tue. Oct. 24 / 9:00 AM ~ 12:00 PM @ Atelier 2, ACC Theater(B4)

• Miller Puckette : Keynote - “The Oscillator as a Dynamical System”
• Kittiphan Janbuala : “Illusion: Computer Synthesis Composition”
• Marko Cicilliani : “Token of Enunciation in Multimedia Performance”

Conference #2 - Paper Session

Tue. Oct. 24 / 1:00 PM ~ 5:00 PM @ Atelier 2, ACC Theater(B4)

• Christopher Dobrian : “Gesture, Acceleration, and Expressivity”
• Max Neupert : “Optimizing Chromatic Keyboards for Small, Non-tactile Surfaces”
• Edmar Soria : “Immersive Space Composition in Electroacoustic Music”
• Dae Hoon Jang : “Installation Art and Electroacoustic Work”

Conference #3 - Paper Session

Wed. Oct. 25 / 9:00 AM ~ 12:00 PM @ Atelier 2, ACC Theater(B4)

• Sangbong Nam : “The mPoi in the wireless network system”
• Ayako Sato : “A Study of Presque rien No.2 composed by Luc Ferrari, focusing on establishing the identity of Presque rien in relation to his other works”
• Marko Cicilliani : “Artistic Research in the Field of Audiovisual Performances Using Elements from Computer Games”

Conference #4 - Paper Session

Wed. Oct. 25 / 1:20 PM ~ 5:00 PM @ Atelier 2, ACC Theater(B4)

• Michael V Blandino : “Creating and Composing for a Rotational Musical Interaction Interface”
• Seungyoun Hong : “The Past and the Present of Composing Music with Artificial Intelligence”
• Tae Hong Park : “Soundmapping Our World in 3D: Data-driven, Community-driven, & Art-driven”
• Maurilio Cacciatore : “MMixte: a new Max package for live electronics with musical instruments”
• Ana Terzaroli : “d-plot Software Tool”


Thu. Oct. 26 / 9:00 AM ~ 1:00 PM @ Atelier 2, ACC Theater(B4)

• Edmar Soria : “Algorithmic Parametric Electroacoustic Composition”


Asia Culture Center

All the concerts will take place in Asia Culture Center(ACC), an international arts and cultural exchange organization located in Gwangju, Korea.

More information on ACC


모든 콘서트는 국립아시아문화전당에서 열립니다. 국립아시아문화전당은 아시아 과거-현재의 문화예술과 혁신적인 아이디어와 신념이 만나 미래지향적인 새로운 결과물을 생산해내는 국제적인 예술기관이자 문화교류기관입니다.

국립아시아문화전당에 대한 정보


Asia Culture Center
TEL. +82-1899-5566

Organized by

Korea Electro-Acoustic Music Society(KEAMS), Asia Culture Center

Supported by

Art Council Korea

Cooperated by

Chugye University for the Arts, Computer Music Lab at Korea National University of Arts, Center for Arts and Technologies at Seoul National University, Center for Research of Electro-acoustic Music and New Music at Hanyang University


한국전자음악협회(KEAMS), 국립아시아문화전당




추계예술대학교, 한국예술종합학교 컴퓨터음악연구소, 서울대학교 예술과학센터, 한양대학교 전자음악연구소

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