Seoul International Computer Music Festival 2024

Sep. 5 - 8, 2024 @CKL Stage, Seoul

The Seoul International Computer Music Festival is a sound art performance that combines various media such as musical instruments, electronic sounds, videos, and new media, and is held every fall as a differentiated performance that shows new ways and possibilities of harmonizing music and technology. As Asia's first computer music festival, it has grown into a music festival that leads the global trend of computer music with the presentation of high-quality works by active artists at home.

서울국제컴퓨터음악제는 악기, 전자음향, 영상, 뉴미디어 등의 여러 매체가 어우러지는 소리예술 공연이자, 음악과 테크놀러지가 조화롭게 결합하는 새로운 방식과 가능성을 보여주는 차별화된 공연으로, 매 해 가을에 개최됩니다. 아시아 최초의 컴퓨터음악제로서 1994년 시작되어 올해 31주년을 맞이하기까지 국내외 활발하게 활동하는 예술가들의 수준높은 작품 발표와 함께 전세계 컴퓨터음악의 흐름을 주도하는 음악제로 성장하며 해외의 많은 음악가들이 참여하고 싶은 무대가 되었습니다.


The detailed program schedule will be updated soon.

Organized by

Korea Electro-Acoustic Music Society (KEAMS)

Supported by

Art Council Korea

Cooperated by

Computer Music Lab at Korea National University of Arts, Seoul National University of Education, Chugye University for the Arts, Electro-acoustic Music Institute at Hanyang University, Center for Arts and Technologies at Seoul National University

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Call for works

The 'call for works' page can be found here. This was for this year's festival, and the call for works for next year may be different.






한국예술종합학교 컴퓨터음악연구소, 서울교육대학교, 추계예술대학교, 한양대학교 전자음악연구소, 서울대학교 예술과학센터


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